Tonic Gold is the original alchemical gold elixir.
With its own intelligence, it balances body, mind, spirit and emotions.
Tonic Gold is available in three versions.
"For me, the ultimate privilege at this time is to be a witness when a pattern takes a back seat and a person's unique self comes to the fore and changes everything."
My background
I'm Katharina Kaifler - Tonic Gold found me and convinced me years ago. Personally as well as in my work as a Possibility Management Trainer and Transformation Coach. It makes me happy that Petri Murien puts his trust in me and the opportunity to make this authentic alchemical elixir, exclusively available.
"Orientation in yourself"
"Tonic Gold supports you in entering new dimensions of consciousness. It potentiates the results of your personal transformation work. Structure is built up and with it access to new powers of your self. You can recognize and let go of old patterns more easily."

The French alchemist
Petri Murien develops Tonic Gold by hand and in limited quantities in his laboratory in India. Only a few people in today's world can produce the real, alchemical ’drinking gold according to ancient tradition - as a living and awakened elixir. Petri is one of the leading traditional alchemists.
"I would like to show you how Tonic Gold optimizes the energies given to you."

The monoatomic gold * in the elixir is in a state with very high spin (vibration) and acts as a superconductor. This superconductor is a substance that allows energy and consciousness to flow without resistance
Tonic Gold is a real process catalyst.
* Organic potable gold in its monatomic form has profound effects on the physical body and the immune system. It enters the cell and directly reacts with the DNA, it literally corrects it. It has been observed to repair damaged strands of DNA in the body. It facilitates the flow of bioelectricity or energy through the nervous system with little or no resistance. It simply replaces these resistances by allowing a continuous flow of light that ultimately washes away and heals down to the subatomic level. This metamorphosis involves very specific biological and biochemical changes in DNA.
Tonic Gold – two elixirs
The two elixirs with different modes of action complement each other. They are two parts of a whole like: sun and moon, gold and silver, male and female, hot and cold. The golden and the white elixir.
works with the solar center:
the masculine qualities in the body
supports the heart and circulation
has a strong effect on the solar plexus
Strengthens the immune system
balance emotions
Preis 59 € / 63 CHF
10 ml in a violet glass bottle with an easy-to-use pipette.
Contains monatomic gold with oils from: bitter gourd, anise, turmeric, ginger, orange, lemon, cardamom, black pepper, red chilli & water, fructose, alcohol, vegetable salt.
New recipe
Golden Elexir without alcohol and fructose Petri and I have recently started offering the GOLDEN ELEXIR in proven quality, even without alcohol and fructose. For those who avoid sugar and alcohol.
works with the lunar center:
the femimine qualities in the body
calms the nervous system
it relievs stress on the mind
Rejuvenating effect
improves meditation
Preis 59 € / 63 CHF
10 ml in a violet glass bottle with an easy-to-use pipette.
Contains monatomic white gold with oils from: gotu kola, sage, cordiceps, agaricus, anise, tangerine, cardamom, fennel, cummin, lemongrass and water, fructose, alcohol, vegetable salt.
Recommended use:
Shake well before use. 1-5 drops (2 drops are completely sufficient). Put the drops on the tongue first thing in the morning (before eating, drinking or brushing your teeth.) Wait at least 2 minutes before speaking or exhaling through your mouth. Do not eat or drink anything for another 20 minutes.
I recommend using Tonic Gold regularly, but not permanently.
This means: take Tonic Gold regularly for 2-3 months, then take a break of several weeks.
This break calls on your body to independently maintain the energetic change that the Tonic Gold has initiated. Then continue taking it for another 2 to 3 months and then take another break. Each new round will take you to a new level of energetic health and vitality.
The effects of Tonic Gold are organic and stable when taken as described above. That is, the beneficial effect is not lost even after the end of use.
Tonic Gold works on the level that precedes the constitutional level; therefore it is equally beneficial for weak, normal and strong constitutions. Tonic Gold is integrative and supports transformation processes directly.
Tonic Gold potentiates the results of your daily practice e.g. through yoga, tai chi, meditation etc. Tonic Gold enhances the value of other drugs and treatments.